Wireless Microphones

A few years ago, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada followed the FCC in sectioning off a package of UHF frequencies for cell phone use. These frequencies had been used for wireless microphones systems. The government agency in Canada consulted with cell phone providers (Rogers, Bell, etc.) and wireless manufacturers (Lectrosonics, Sennheiser, Shure, etc.). Unsurprisingly, all supported the change: the phone companies would get new frequencies for data transmission (5G) and the equipment manufacturers would sell loads of new gear. According to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, entertainment and production companies were not consulted (2019). 

Frequency Regulations Timeline:


  • In 2010, the FCC prohibited the use of wireless microphones on the 700 MHz band, specifically 698-806 MHz (FCC, 2010). 
  • Canada followed suite in 2012 with implementation in Spring 2013 (Government… 2012). 


  • In 2017, the FCC auctioned off the 600 MHz range, specifically 614-698 MHz (FCC, 2019).
  • Canada followed suite in 2018 with implementation in Summer 2020 (Innovation… 2019). 

The timing of the latest change could not have been worse. Covid halted most revenue streams in the entertainment and production industry in March 2020, and the first 5G capable phones were released that Fall. Companies had to replace their wireless systems with no foreseeable income to finance the new equipment. For small businesses, this was difficult. Some DJ companies have yet to make the switch. 

The switch is expensive and infuriating, but necessary. Using wireless mic systems with outdated frequencies can be catastrophic. Interference from 5G phones ranges in intensity from background crackle to lightning strike. And the more 5G users there are in the audience, the worse it gets. With 5G now prolific, it is essential to have compliant systems. At our company, we had to replace a few UHF systems after the 2013 regulations came into effect. However, after the 2020 regulations were implemented, we had to replace ALL of them.

The current UHF frequency range for wireless microphones in Canada is 470-608 MHz.



FCC. (2019). Operation of Wireless Microphoneshttps://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/operation-wireless-microphones

FCC. (2010). Wireless Microphonehttps://www.fcc.gov/general/wireless-microphone#:~:text=To%20preserve%20the%20integrity%20of,cueing%20equipment%2C%20are%20also%20prohibited.

Government of Canada. (2012). SAB-001-12 — Low-power Licensed Radiocommunication Devices, Including Wireless Microphones, in the Band 698-806 MHzhttps://ised-isde.canada.ca/site/spectrum-management-telecommunications/en/learn-more/key-documents/spectrum-advisory-bulletins-sab/sab-001-12-low-power-licensed-radiocommunication-devices-including-wireless-microphones-band-698-806

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. (2019). Decision on the Technical, Policy and Licensing Framework for Wireless Microphoneshttps://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/vwapj/SMSE-003-19MicrophonesEN.pdf/$FILE/SMSE-003-19MicrophonesEN.pdf

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